Welcome to our new
St. Anne and St. Joachim Grandparent’s Ministry
Please look for our grandparents basket located near the greeting tables filled with crafts and faith activities for grandchildren.
Almighty God, we pay tribute to the role of grand parenthood. So many grandparents nowadays are raising their own grandchildren or are the only family connection to the Catholic faith. At a time when they thought that their work was done, they take over more responsibilities with patience, love and determination. May the images of St. Joachim and St. Anne be an inspiration to grandparents, as they reflect on the love and affection they showed in raising their daughter Mary, the Mother of our Savior. We pray for all grandparents that they may find the courage and strength to honor their role in protecting, guiding and inspiring their grandchildren, and may they be an example of faith and fortitude for them.
In an effort to support your loving guidance to your grandchildren, this parish ministry has been made.
If you are interested in helping to coordinate events or volunteer your time to this ministry, please contact Jeannie Garcia or call the rectory at 435-6242
Grandparents’ vital contribution to the family, the Church, and society, was never as important as now. We are living in unprecedented times, with constantly changing social and moral values. Sometimes we feel like we are failing. We are not. We can never fail so long as we keep on doing what we are doing – praying, showing the way and passing our Faith. To read more go to http://www.catholicgrandparentsassociation.org/